About us

GrowJungle's story began in 2019, during the peak of the Monstera Thai Constellation craze. It was the plant everyone wanted, and I was no exception. My love for plants had always been strong, but this moment felt like the perfect time to turn that passion into something more.

Growing plants is in my blood—my family has been doing it for over 40 years. With a greenhouse just a stone’s throw away, it was almost inevitable that I’d dive into the world of rare plants. At first, it was just me sharing my plants and experiences on social media, connecting with other plant lovers and learning from the community.

Before I knew it, things started to grow—literally and figuratively. What started as a small passion project quickly evolved into a full-blown webshop, and soon enough, I was shipping plants far beyond my local area. Today, GrowJungle sends rare and beautiful greenery to plant lovers all over the world.

What makes GrowJungle special is that it’s rooted in love: love for plants, love for the process, and love for sharing that joy with others. From those first Monstera cuttings to the thriving business we are now, GrowJungle continues to grow, just like the plants we care for.